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Gay College Stories

Why I Like Older Men

Pursuant to rules, and laws, and blah, blah, blah, please do not continue reading this story if you are under the age of eighteen, twenty-one, or any age according to the governing laws where you live.All characters and stories are totally fictional, save a couple of positions that may have been drawn from my own experiences.I hope you enjoy. . . reading (ahem) . . . the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I guess I would have been about nineteen, as I was finishing up my freshman year of college, when I discovered my attraction to older men.Not necessarily because they are older, but because they are more experienced.They know what they want and are not afraid to tell you.But I believe that I am getting ahead of myself.

The college that I went to can be equated to any normal, run-of-the-mill, all American university.It had a large campus complete with courtyards and trees where jocks and artists alike could be seen studying under golden leaves in the autumn.I was particularly fond of lying under one of the aforementioned trees on a Saturday morning and watching the joggers and bikers in spandex speeding by on their morning routines.I would fantasize unmercifully about the frat boys back in my dorm room, sometimes alone and sometimes with my latest flavor of the week.I saw plenty of action, don't get me wrong!After all, I was a theatre major and for those of you who don't know, it doesn't take long for everyone in the theatre program to sleep with everyone else.Call us one big happy family.

For all of the action I was getting, it seemed very ordinary, unimaginative.It was the same people, the same positions, the same fucking orgasm.I was desperate for something new and exciting.I guess I was just running out of ideas.Blame it on age.This is how I was feeling towards the end of my freshman year when I saw a posting for summer stock auditions on the bulletin board in the theatre wing.The buzz was all over the department that it was to be an exciting season and everybody was going to audition. I however, had to return home over the summer to take care of my parent's house while they toured Europe.It is true that I was looking forward to having a house to myself for 3 months and images of orgies and leather parties had played in my mind.One image that kept creeping in had to do with a sling suspended from the ceiling and about four or five guys waiting in line . . . But I digress.The idea of getting my foot in the door at a professional theatre company was even more appealing.Dreams of "being discovered" and swept off to Broadway flashed through my mind as animosity for my parents grew.

Finals were nearly over and the auditions were creeping closer and closer and I had to tell someone almost every day that "No, I couldn't audition."I was constantly being told by my friends that I was a shoo-in for any role I wanted and was making a big mistake."No shit" is all I could think. Well, it just so happened that the night before the auditions, as I was regretfully packing up my dorm to go home for the summer, I received a phone call from my mother.

"Joey!" she said, "I have some bad news."

"Oh shit." I thought.What now.

"Your father is being held up at work over the summer, some new account or something.Anyway, the bottom line is that we won't be leaving town this summer."My mind was already swimming with possibilities.Who could I stay with? Who had an apartment?Could I prepare an audition piece overnight? "But, honey, I do have some good news!I still have my vacation so you and I can spend all summer together. Isn't that great?"

Now my mother is a nice woman, but after a full year of freedom I was not too terribly excited about going home to live with her for three months."Um . . . Actually mom," I said, "I've been meaning to call you.There are these auditions tomorrow for a very prestigious company and I would really like to audition.If I get a job, I might not be coming home this summer."

"Oh."I could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Well, follow your dreams Joey." She said somewhat coldly and the conversation was over soon after.Well I had to get busy.I called my friend Alex and asked to stay on his couch that summer.He was a sophomore this year and was therefore allowed to, and did, have an apartment off campus. He said that I was always welcome.I finished packing, clutching a script to my chest, and left the campus for the summer with a high hopes.

I showed up at Alex's apartment at about 8:00 that evening.When he answered the door he was wearing nothing but a cooking apron that said "Fuck the kiss, screw the cook" and a jock strap.Typical Alex."Close the door behind you," he said and ran back into the kitchen. "The garlic toast is burning."I brought my stuff into the cramped one bedroom and sat on the couch, watching Alex scramble around the apartment.

"Can I help with something?" I asked.He pointedly nodded toward the bottle of wine on the table, indicating that I should pour, as he emptied the spaghetti into a strainer in the sink.I walked into the kitchen area and reached up for the cabinet.It happened to be directly over the sink and this positioned me behind Alex and his jock strap.I pressed myself directly against his bare buttocks to reach the wine glasses and of course I could feel my cock start to swell.If you could see this boy's ass, you wouldn't have to wonder why.The first time he bared it for me in my dorm with my roommate asleep in the next bed, I wondered how high a quarter would bounce off of it. Obviously Alex felt my hard on starting to form beneath my shorts and press against his hip.

"Are we starting that again?" he said."It's been a while."

"I can't help it." I replied, pulling the glasses down. He had turned to face me and I could see through his apron that he was excited too."You're just too damn cute."Alex had a swimmer's body, streamlined and finely toned and shaved.He swam for the college until the coach caught him and the free stylist from the competing team fucking in the shower.

I gave Alex a light kiss on the cheek, a tweak of the nipple, and walked back over the table to pour the wine.He turned back to the stove to stir the spaghetti sauce and I couldn't help myself anymore.Very slowly, so he couldn't hear me, I walked over to Alex and gently kissed the back of his neck.He let out a light gasp and the spoon he was holding clattered to the floor as I ran my tongue along his skin and nibbled on his ear."I thought you were with that little boy from the accounting department," he said without making any motions to stop me.

"Not for a couple weeks now," I said.And it was true. I hadn't gotten laid in almost a month and my cock was so swollen that it hurt.I put my arms around Alex's hairless, washboard stomach and began kissing and nibbling his shoulders, his neck, his back.Before I knew it I was on my knees with Alex bent over the sink and I began to taste his sweet, pink ass.I licked from his scrotum, still confined by the jock strap, up his crack and found his sweet hole. God, it tasted so good.I unzipped my jeans and pulled my thick cock out of my pants, rubbing the precum all over my dick.

By now Alex had begun to moan quietly.His ass was good and wet and I pulled him down toward the floor, wrapping my arms around his chest.He eagerly found my cock and slowly I pushed through his cheeks, entering that tight slut boy hole.I leaned back on my hands and Alex expertly rode my pole.It felt so hot, so good letting him slide up and down my cock.

I threw the apron off of him and turned him around to face me, lying him down on the kitchen floor.The jock strap came off next.Alex greedily put his legs over my shoulders and guided me back inside of him."Yeah, that's it." He cried."Pound my fucking hole.And I did.He reached under my shirt and started to twist my nipple rings and my God was I getting close.I knew that with the combination of his tight ass, my nipples and his other hand moving with lightning speed along his cock, this wouldn't take long.

He kept talking."Yeah, I missed your cock Joey.Fuck my ass.You feel so fucking good."I could feel myself reaching climax.I pushed his knees down to the floor over his head to get a little deeper and cried out as I exploded into his ass.He opened his mouth in a silent scream at the same time and his own cum shot all over his face, a big, thick load of jizz landing on his cheek, his neck, his tongue.I climbed off of him and collapsed on the kitchen floor.

He felt good, but he felt familiar.I was spent, but strangely unsatisfied."I'm ready for dinner now." I said.

The next morning I woke with a headache from the wine and memories of another hot session with Alex.He had fallen asleep with his head on my chest and I gently moved him so I could hop in the shower and get ready for my audition.Today was the day!My life could go on the same as it always had or it could all change for the better.I shaved and gave myself a little pep talk in the mirror before getting dressed and heading to the theatre.

The place was packed for the auditions.I met up with some of my friends who had finally discovered what shows were being done this season.There was a show called "Not In My House" by a new playwright that was rumored to be on a three month trial tour before moving to New York.It was supposedly an all male cast and they were looking for "my type" I was told.I could feel the butterflies starting in my stomach.

I had signed in at number 143 so I had plenty of time to work myself into an absolute frenzy by the time I was called into the theatre.The stage manager led me through the lobby and into the house where there were three men sitting in the sixth row.One was the director of the theatre, whom I had met once before. Also on the casting committee were two men that I did not recognize.One was young, probably about my age and looked a nervous wreck organizing papers and scrambling out of the seat to get my head shot and resume.He must have been an assistant of some sort.The third man didn't turn around and I was mighty curious as to who he was.I was directed onto the stage.I turned around, but before I could see the man's face, the spot from the lighting booth had blinded me.

"Joey!" said the director, "It's a pleasure to see you again.I'd like to introduce you to Derek Edison, the author of the show we will be doing this season."I raised my hand to shield my eyes and Derek waved at me.

"I've heard good things about you from Gordon here." Derek said.I still couldn't see more than a shadow of him, but his voice had a soft, silky tone that did something to me.I felt my legs get weak.It was probably just nerves, but I could not get that voice out of my head.

I began my audition monologue, a little shakily I will admit, but once I got into the swing of things I was fine. When my one minute of time was over, I felt like I had given the best audition of my life."Thank you," Derek said. "But Joey, I do have one question for you."That voice again.Something about it was so seductive yet so much in control.I could feel my knees starting to shake again. "That's it," I decided, "I can fight fire with fire.I will just mirror his attitude and he will respect me for it."

I took a deep breath, standing tall, and said "What's the question?"

"If we consider you for a role in my show," said Derek, "there will be full frontal nudity on stage.Would you have a problem getting naked and intimate with another man?"

My heart stopped.I could feel my cock swelling under the spot light.I had to get out of there.As calmly as I could I replied, "I have nothing to be ashamed of."I heard a small chuckle come from Derek's direction and the spot was turned off.I could see him clearly now.He was a man probably in his late thirties or early forties.He was wearing a polo shirt and I could see a small patch of coarse dark hair on his chest where he had left it unbuttoned.He had a full beard, trimmed close to his face that made him look very distinguished.His hair was short and slightly graying at the temples.His body, although sitting, appeared to be bulky but toned; strong with just a little bit of a soft appearance.I could easily picture him in a library with a pipe and a smoking jacket.

Although handsome, his age and appearance were not what I would have considered my type.He exuded a confidence however that went along with that silky voice when he said "Okay, thank you very much."He seemed to be a man of such strength.I walked out of the theatre, my hard on growing with thoughts of that man dominating me, making me do things that I had never done before.Why was this happening?I liked being the one in control!I was the top!I was the one who had fucked countless little frat boys!There was something about him though.

I went home to Alex's apartment and had my way with him.It was so rough that it could have been called rape if he hadn't been screaming my name into the pillow by the end of it, begging for more.I jumped in the shower, thoroughly spent and thoroughly unsatisfied, but with a regained composure and feeling of control.

I received a phone call two days later from the dorky assistant offering me a role in "Not In My House".He told me that rehearsals would be starting on Monday of the following week and that I should come by the theatre to pick up my script.He would be there for the rest of the day. This was it!This was my chance to make something of my career.I was so excited, but strangely uneasy.I hadn't been able to get Derek out of my head for the last two days, and now I was being told that I would be working with him in close, intimate proximity for the next couple of months.I could hear his silky voice echoing in my mind: "Thank you . . . Thank you . . . Thank you . . ."

About an hour or so later I hopped in the car and headed off to the theatre to pick up my script.The pimply faced assistant was indeed there.He handed me a thick copy and I headed out the door.I was looking down, reading the first page, when I rounded the corner of the building and stepped on someone's foot.

"Ow!"I heard a deep, silky voice cry out and I looked up to see Derek standing inches away from me.He was a couple of inches taller and than I was and my eyes were level with his lips.I resisted the urge to reach up and kiss those lips almost hidden by his beard.I had never kissed anyone taller than me.I felt somewhat inferior and somewhat aroused.

"I am so sorry," I said instead."Are you ok?"I reached out a hand to help him steady himself.He took it gratefully.His hands were rough, working man's hands.

"I'm fine.Just a little startled."His smile was golden."I was in the area and thought I'd stop in to see if everyone had picked up their scripts yet."

"I have." I said dumbly, holding the stack of stapled paper in my hands.

Derek chuckled a bit."I see that.I'm just going to run in and check with Paul.Care to talk with me for a while?"

"Sure."I could feel butterflies starting in my stomach, my knees getting week.I don't know how I walked back to the theatre entrance.As we walked up the steps though, Paul barreled out the door in his usual frenzy saying something about being glad that Derek was there.He had to run an errand or something extremely important and could he stay for an hour or so?And he was gone before any answer was given.

I'll admit that Paul's frenzy was funny and put me at ease a bit.Derek and I smiled at each other over the incident and entered the theatre."So," said Derek, "Do you have any questions about the role?"

"I don't know.I've only read one page so far."

"Well, don't be afraid to call me if you do."There was an awkward silence as we sat down in the office, him behind a desk and me on a couch on the other side.Here I was with this man, not knowing what to do.This was not like me.Normally if I wanted to fuck someone I just did it, but something made me hold back with Derek.Maybe it was his age, I don't know.He seemed to be trying to read my mind as we sat there in silence until he casually said, "Do I make you nervous?"

"What?"I said."No . . ." Silence.He was sitting back in the chair and had the tips of his fingers meeting like a steeple under his chin, contemplating me.He knew I was lying."Well . . . Yeah, I guess you do.Kind of."I said.

"Why?" he asked.I hung my head and shrugged my shoulders.I felt like a little boy who was about to get a lecture from his father and doesn't know why.I could feel my cock starting to twitch.Derek stood up and came over to sit on the couch next to me."There's no reason to be nervous," he said and put a hand on my leg.I think he thought he was comforting me."You and I are going to get to know each other very well over the next couple of months. The whole cast will.We may as well start out as friends now."I could feel his hand moving up my thigh just a little bit.Was that my imagination?

I looked up and his face was just inches from mine. His eyes were dark and concerned.I felt as if I could get lost in those eyes. They were so compassionate, so concerned, so confident.This was a man who knew what he wanted."What exactly does that mean?" I asked."Friends?"

"Just . . . friends." He said.There was that smile again.His hand started moving up my thigh again. Something was wrong here.I felt a tingling in my groin as his hand moved closer to my crotch.I felt powerless to move.When his fingers brushed my testicles I came to, if you will.I grabbed his hand and pinned it against the couch.He seemed to be taken aback by this.

"Did I say you could do that?" I asked. "Don't you want me too?"He said.God, I wanted this man.I leaned in slowly to kiss him.I felt the edge of his closely trimmed beard on my lips and then his mouth, soft and warm on mine.Sparks were flying in my mind.This was a more familiar territory for me.I began to unbutton his shirt and run my hands through his hairy chest.It was soft.Our kiss did not break until he pulled my shirt over my head.I pressed against him until I was lying on top of him on the couch.It was a new sensation, my smooth, naturally hairless body against this man.I could feel every hair as it brushed my sensitive nipples, my stomach.

I decided to take control of the situation in order to clear my head.I began kissing and licking down his chest and stomach until I reached his belt.I could feel those rough hands on the back of my head, tugging my hair.I undid his belt and opened his pants.He wasn't wearing underwear and his member jumped out of his jeans, standing at the ready.It had to be about seven inches and thick with a beautiful head.There was some thick pre cum oozing from the tip and I had to taste it.I began nibbling his scrotum lightly, moving from his heavy, low hanging balls, up his shaft until I slowly put my lips around the head of his cock.I heard Derek moan very softly and he worked his beautiful dick down my throat.Those hands were running over my back, pulling my hair, pushing my head further down his member.He was definitely enjoying this.I could taste more of his cum oozing into the back of my throat.I had this man right where I wanted him.

I moved my mouth up and off of his cock, expecting to see him watching me, or to see his eyes closed.As I looked up, I felt a mild slap across the face and that silky voice said "Did Daddy tell you to stop, bitch boy?"

"What?" I asked.I had done that to tons of little frat boys, but nobody had ever tried to take control of me before.

He flew off of the couch, pinning my shoulders to the ground and straddling my chest.His lips came oh so close to mine and he said in a whisper "Just relax.Daddy will take care of everything."I tried to sit up and he pinned my wrists against the floor above my head."Oh," he chuckled, "You're not used to this are you?Just calm down and let daddy teach you a few things."I could feel his breath on my neck and his soft voice in my ear released something in my stomach.He pressed his lips to my neck and tenderly began to nibble on my flesh.I could feel his hot ass on my stomach as he traveled down my body with his lips. He found my right nipple, the sensitive one, and tugged on the ring with his teeth.My God, this man was talented.I couldn't wait to shove my cock deep in that hairy ass.I pressed his head to my chest with my hand and he pulled away suddenly, pinning me down again.

"Calm down, little boy," he said."I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not used to this." I said, trying to apologize.

"Do you like it?"

I stopped for a minute and realized that, even through my uncertainty, this was exactly what I had been missing. "Yes Daddy," I said.

"Then shut up" he said and shoved his cock back into my mouth, holding my head up off of the ground with his hand. This man had complete control over me.He pumped my face hard for a couple of minutes before he adjusted himself so I could keep his dick in my mouth and he began to lick at my own crotch through my shorts.It wasn't long before my pants were tossed aside and Derek had his hairy face buried in my nut sack, my eight inches planted firmly in his throat.

Without warning, and without breaking contact, he rolled us over so that I was on top of him.He took my nuts into his mouth, rolling them around his tongue each in turn. I felt him caressing my buttocks and soon I felt something wet on my hole.He pulled my cheeks apart with his hands and buried his face in my ass.If it wasn't for the huge cock in my mouth I would have cried out.I had rimmed how many men this last year, I didn't know, but never had it been done to me.I was a total top.Suddenly, as clear as the morning, I realized that this man intended to fuck me. While it was something that I wanted to do, I was not sure that this monster cock I was sucking on was a size that I wanted to start with.

I felt my hole tighten involuntarily.Suddenly Derek smacked my ass hard."Relax." He said."I'll teach you to be a good bottom boy bitch."Something about his voice, the control, the timbre, just excited me and I began to work even more furiously on his cock while I felt one of his fingers enter my virgin ass.It felt kind of good, a strange sensation.I could feel his finger working deeper and deeper, moving in circles and loosening me up.I knew what he was doing; I had done it to countless others. Slowly a second finger slid in with the other one.My God, it felt so good that my back arched up and his dick popped out of my mouth.I sat hard on his face and he went to work.His tongue was an expert, searching out forbidden areas where no man had been before.

Derek pushed me off of him and put me on my back on the couch.He put my left leg over his shoulder, hooking my knee there and straddled my right leg.I could feel the head of his cock throbbing against my hole and I was nervous.He leaned over and kissed me gently."Relax."He said softly into my mouth.With our lips pressed together he penetrated me with the head of his penis.I felt a searing pain and kind of whimpered into his mouth."Relax." He whispered and stayed right where he was.His tongue danced gently with mine, and something down there released. "Good boy."He moaned and slowly slid the rest of his cock inside of me.There was a pain, but also a sensation I hadn't expected.The deeper he went the better it felt.It was like he was waking up parts of me inside that had been waiting for nineteen years to be discovered.

He was gentle at first, moving in and out slowly while I whimpered and whined and moaned and began to scream for more."That's it Daddy," I said softly."Make me your bottom boy slave."He sat back and pushed further into me. God!!!I had never felt anything like this before.He started to fuck me a little harder and nibbled on my toes. His left hand grabbed hold of my cock and began stroking in time to his thrusts.

"That's it, boy."He said."Open up for me."And oh, I did.He began to fuck me hard, shoving every inch into my eager hole.He worked me into a frenzy of screams and moans, saying things to me like "How's it feel you little boy slut," and "You like daddy's monster cock plowing your hole, do ya?"His skin was glistening with sweat and the smell of sex was pungent in the air.He was becoming more and more vocal as I felt his cock swell bigger and bigger. Why hadn't I done this before?!!!

I felt my climax approaching and I couldn't stop it. It seemed to start from the tip of his cock pounding against my most secret parts and spread through my whole body, my chest, my face, even my hair and finally moving into my own dick and exploding all over my chest.I shot the biggest load of my life!Derek's eyes got wide, his thrust became more forceful."Do you like that bitch boy?You want me to come in that tight virgin whole?"

"Do it!"I said."Fuck that ass Daddy!Use my whole!"Derek's back arched and he let out a silky, masculine series of grunts and I could feel his hot cum shooting into me as I was still rocking from my own climax. When we were both spent, and dripping with sweat, Derek collapsed on top of me, kissing me gently and running his hands through my hair."That was my first time as a bottom."I said.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way."He stood up and started getting dressed."See you at rehearsal?" he asked with a smile and a devious glint in his eye.

"Maybe before," I said.

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[2018-05-12 11:53:59] Judi:

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