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Gay College Stories

Thick Dick Quartet

I was walking past the Spanish building, where one entire wall is comprised of nothing but windows, when I started to feel curious about what was going on in there. So making my way over to the glass I peered in. And to my astonishment there were three guys with there dicks out, sitting in a circle comparing them.

One of the guys I recognized right off the bat. His name was Mark, an incredibly hairy fellow with one fat fucking cock. I mean fucking gigantic. We're talking eight inches of beer can thick cock with hair running all the way up the back to the head. But it really isn't a surprise; it just fits him. He's six feet tall with a shoe size of 12, and balls the size of eggs. Come on, it's just natural proportion. Speaking of his balls they're amazing. I know its cliche, but what else can you call egg sized balls. Not only are they humongous, but his nut sack is so fucking hairy, it makes my dick bleed precum just thinking about it.

Next to mark there was a strapping young black fellow that could have plugged a muffler with his cock. It was so thick and so wet it looked like he had lubed his dick with motor oil. This made my cock dangerously hard to the point where it has stated to rip through my nylon shorts. After that there was a blond headed bastard with an uncut cock the size for the average cable TV remote. It made me shiver just looking at it. The way the skin glided over the mushroom cap head of his dick was incredibly hypnotic to the point where I couldn't keep my hands of my cock.

So there I was, outside the Spanish room in an oversized t-shirt and nylon shorts that were split at the seem by my ragging boner. Now I got to be honest, my cock isn't long. But it's sure as hell thick. I may be only six inches long, but I'm at least ten in width. To this day I still cannot find a condom that isn't tight on my dick.

After turning around to make sure no one was paying any attention I went back to watching my private show, only to find out that the thick dick trio's innocent measuring ritual had escalated into a full blown jack session. Now by this time all three of there cocks were hard as steal and judging by the expressions that were on their faces neither of them were far away from an epic climax. Of course neither was I. By then my dick had not only worked its way through the hole it had made in my shorts, but it also had leaked so much precum that the fronts of my shorts were soaked. Leaving me with no choice but to enjoy the moment. So I got up, walked in, pulled up a stool, whipped my cock out from under my shirt and joined their party.

"Fuckin awesome man! I was wondering when you were gonna join us." Mark moaned to me with approval.

"Dudes, get ready!" That black lad cried out as the first rope of cum flew out of his dick and strait up into his face. After his second shot flew into his mouth the uncut guy lost it.

"Holy fuck!" was all the uncut dude could get out before he blasted his first rope right onto the black lad's chest. The cum kept flying from the both of them, it was like opening up the flood gates. They just couldn't stop. That's when I felt my balls pull up.

`I'm cumming man!" I shouted

"You're not the only one dude." Mark grunted after me. That's when we both let loose at the same time coating each other from head to toe with the most cum I had ever seen. Our dicks were like fountains. It seemed inhumanly possible but what did I care, I was having the time of my life. The other guys were still going, and we were just getting started.

Mark's dick was launching cum faster then I could catch it in my mouth, so while I was still cumming I got down on my knees and took the head of his hairy dick into my mouth.

"Fuck dude!" Mark grunted like an animal, and seeming to get a second wind he filled my mouth with his hot jizz. As swallowed Mark's first load I felt someone latch on to my dick. This both blew my mind and recharged my balls making me blast off at least another half cup of cum into this guy's mouth.

Once mark had stopped cumming I sucked his furry cock until it went limp in my mouth. When I stood back up again he looked me in the eye and said.

"Welcome to the club dude." Then he grabbed my dick and whispered into my ear.

"I owe you one"

Soon after we all found ourselves licking the cum of each other enjoying the mess we had created down to the very last drop; until the endless load of man juice seemed to run out. Then we said our goodbyes, exchanged numbers, and headed on our way.

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