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Gay College Stories

Suck Job Initiation

About our fraternity hell week.It began on a Sunday night.We'd all gone to bed, and about 2AM, we were all awakened by our big brothers, and told to go immediately down to the living room.Not to get dressed, just go as we were.I sleep in jockies, as did most of the pledges, but a few had pj's on, and two guys slept nude.There weretotal of eighteen pledges.

As soon as all of us were in the living room, we were told that we were scum, and that we didn't have the right to be wearing men's clothes, so we were to strip nude, and not to be found wearing any clothes for the rest of the week, except for classes.Then we were told to make a "right face" which lined us up butt-to-cock.We were then told to put our hands on the shoulders of the guy in front, of the guy in front of us.Making our cocks even closer to the butt in front of us, they had us form a circle, so that there was no pledge that had no butt against his cock.Then they led us around the room twice, and there wasn't a soft cock in the place.

We were told that the next thing to do was to go down stairs to the chapter room for some very important measurements.And they told us that we were to always be led around the house by our big brothers. So our big brothers had a choice of ways to lead us around. Mine chose to lead me by grabbing my balls in his hand, pulling them one way or the other to move me around the house.Some other big brothers used a leather thong and tied it around their scum's nuts. One guy used a wire, and told the scum that if he didn't do what he was told, he'd be minus his nuts.

When we got to the chapter room in the basement, we were told to line up, and stand close to the scum that was next to us.They told us to grab the cock of the scum that was to our right, and if he went soft, then the guy that was holding the soft cock would get his ass paddled.

One by one they called us forward, and did the measurements.I was selected to be the first one that was measured.They called me forward, and had me put my hands behind my head.Then one of the actives grabbed my tits, and pulled them apart as hard as he could, another guy measured how far apart they would go.Then he pulled them as close as possible, and measured again.During this time, the guy pulling my tits, would loose his grip on my tits, and pull them tight, and roll them in between his fingers, making them really stand out, and also hurt them a lot.

The pain of my tits made my cock go soft. (Think that is why they pulled our tits so hard, I guess.) And so the next thing to measure was how long it was when it was soft.The guy doing the grabbing pulled it out from my body as straight as possible, and they measured that, both under and on top.Then he pulled the piss slit open, and pulled it as tight and as long as possible for the distance. The next thing was to find out the circumference of my cock.They put the cloth tape measure around it, and pulled it as tight as possible, noting that size.That tight tape measure, and the gripping of the cock really hurt, but I didn't say anything.

Next they wanted to know the size of my nuts.So they pulled them up, and pulled them apart, so that they could measure each of them.They squeezed them, and put the tape measure on them, pulling ever so tightly.

Next they told me to get a hard on, so that they could find out just how long my cock could be.I was told that I could not use my hands, so pick any scum, and use his ass crack, finally, in spite of the embarrassment, got a good boner.They checked that length, and laughed at how short it was, telling the other scum that they had better have bigger cocks or else.Turns out that they did that to all of our pledges.

The next thing that I had to do, was to get up on the table, on all fours.Then they had me spread my legs, which opened my ass to them.The next measurement was the size of my ass hole.Then they really surprised me.They had the next pledge in line come over and stick his finger up my butt.It really hurt, because he didn't know how to do it, and he didn't lube his finger.They told him to pull it out, and put in two fingers.Next they put in a dildo that was about ten inches long.Felt like it was going to go up my throat.

The last thing that happened was that I had to get down from the table and stand up in front of all the guys and jack off into a cup.When I got ready to shoot, they took my hand off my cock and let me rest for a couple of minutes.Really wanted to shoot, but was restrained from it.Then they told me to finish the job, and told me not to loose a drop from the cup. I really shot a good load, since I'd had a hard on for so long, and looking at all those naked guys, really turned me on.They recorded the amount of cum that I shot, and then handed me the cup back, and told me to drink it dry.I gasped, and did as told.After I'd finished that, they told me to lick the cup dry for the next guy.After a couple of minutes, I really had to piss, but didn't tell them.Guess they figured that out, because the next thing was that I was told to piss in the cup.Figured that I was going to have to drink that, but they had me take it out to the bathroom, and empty it.But when I returned to the room, I had to lick it clean for the next guy too.

Then all of this was repeated for each of the pledges. There were eighteen of us in the class.So it took some time to get all of us measured.Their story was that they wanted to make sure that nobody was hurt. But by the time that it was all done all of us were hurting.As we were done measuring we were told to go to the shower room on the lower level.As each of us went in, there were several active there to watch us.They were there to make us shave our whole body. They used a barber's style razor to get the big stuff done around our cocks, and our arm pits, then we had to do the rest with a razor.They provided the shaving cream, and we provided the labor.Having never done this, it was awkward, and difficult.When we were done, they inspected to make sure that our nuts were smooth and our asses were as smooth as a bowling ball.Since I was the first one, they did the barber razor, then I had to do it for the next guy, and help him shave, then he helped the next guy, and so on.So there we were like a bunch of grade school boys, smooth as possible.And to this day, I keep my nuts and ass shaved smooth,still like the feeling.

The pledge master then told us that each of us would have a job.So we were to draw a number from a hat, and that would tell us what we were to do.I drew number seven, and it turned out that myself and another guy were to be the house cock suckers.This is where I learned to love the taste of cum.It could have been much worse, some of the guys were the "house girls" and that meant that their asses were for use. At that time I had really only tasted my cousin's cum, and my own.I didn't like the taste of my cum, so was very worried about getting all of this cum from these guys.

Chris and I were to suck a guy anytime that he wanted a blow job.Some times the actives would have a bet, that their pledge would cum first, or last depending upon the mood of the active.So it would be fun to try to be the one to win the challenge.

This is probably a good place to describe Chris.He stood about five foot eleven.Weighed about 150 pounds, so you can see that he was very slim, but had very firm body, and liked to work out.He wanted to weigh 190 like I did,but it just wasn't going to happen.He had silver blue eyes, and light brown hair.Kept his hair cut in avery close crew cut, which for our time, was very non-standard.His major was physical therapy, so he gave great back rubs.He had trim ass cheeks, that would fit in anyone's hands. His cock was only a little longer than mine, but much more slender.Nice tits, that were the size of a fifty cent piece, very dark brown.Chest was smooth as a babies butt.The only hair that he had on his body except for his head was justa small patch around his cock.And it was so light, that from any distance, looked like there was nothing there.He loved everything sexual.There was not a thing that he wouldn't try.But, right along with me, we both loved sucking cocks the most of all.There was not a thing that I wouldn't have done for Chris. He was my best buddy, and friend.He would have been a life long friend, but he joined the Navy after college, and flew their planes in Vietnam, and came home in a wooden box.I still think of him often.

We got fairly good at giving blow jobs.It seemed that everyone in the county was either an active member or an alumni.The alums could come to the house and join in the festivities also.So there were plenty of cocks to go around, and Chris and I kept ourselves out of trouble by doing a pretty good job, if we didn't mind saying so.

One of the alumsthat kept coming back to the house, and waiting for me, had a very nice body.I especially liked him.His cock was very slender, but very long, so I learned from him how to deep throat. He was gentle, and seemed almost caring.The actives just forced their cocks down our throats, and some were pretty rough.Don't think that some of them had ever had a good blow job, and didn't know how to act. But this one guy seemed to like me a lot.He took me out to dinner one evening, how he got me out of the house, I don't know, but I really enjoyed being with him.He was very caring, and took good care of me. More about him later.

As I said, each of us had a job, and Chris and I compared notes, and decided that we certainly had the best jobs.How they picked us to be the cock suckers was beyond us.But later, when discussing the week with the other pledges, we found out that they were also pleased with their assignments.There were two guys that were in charge of making sure that all of the guys didn't piss anywhere, except where they should.Meaning that when the actives had to pee, these two guys would kneel down in the shower in front of the one that had to pee, and take their piss on their chests, and bodies.Then clean them up, and send them on their way.Two other guys were in charge of licking asses.So see, we didn't have too bad a deal.

Each morning we were awakened, and told to stand by our beds for inspection.The actives would come along and each one would do somethingto each of us.One liked to pinch tits, another liked to squeeze nuts, and so on.So we were all well awake by breakfast time.We would be sent to each of our classes, since they had our schedules from the school.Then we had a short amount of time to get back to the house after the class.If we exceeded the time allowed, we would get a swat with the paddle for each minute that we were late.No excuses were allowed.Sometimes an active would be about a block from the house, and engage us in conversation to make sure that we were late for the time allowed.The paddlings were done in the evening when all of the pledges and members could witness them.The anticipation was, most times, greater than the realization.The actives were very nice to us, and comparatively we got no physical punishment.

Chris and I continued to enjoy our jobs.One, of two memorable times, was when we had to go over to another house, and put on a show for them.Four of us went over to the house across the street.In keeping with the "no clothes" rule, we walked across the street wearing only our watches.When we got over there, we found that we were to suck each other off.The one that came first would be the winner, and the second one to cum would be the loser.Then they told us about the handicap, we were to be filled with an enema, and then have to hold it in while sucking the other guy.That way it would take our mind off of the cock, and make it longer for something to happen.If either of us were to loose our load from the ass, we would have to clean it up.

So we went to their shower room, and bent over so that they could put the tube up our holes.They filled me up, then filled up Chris.We were told to walk over, and dump the first load into the toilets.We did that gladly.Seemed that they had put about fifty gallons into my ass, and it is only a two quart ass.We dumped our loads, and then they told us to come back and get another load.I could hardly walk.But they again filled us with water, but this time it was very hot water, and I began to sweat like a horse.After a couple of minutes we were allowed to empty our butt of this load of water.Again they had us come over to where they were, and instead of getting another load of water they put some lube on our holes, and shoved a huge butt plug up there.

Now, they had us lay down on the floor, and begin to suck each other off.I could hardly get a hard on, let alone shoot a load.As soon as both of us had a fairly good hard on, they had us stop, and get up, and walk down the stairs to their chapter room, where the rest of the house was sitting.Before we went into their chapter room, though, we had to be blind folded, since it is against all the rules to see another fraternities' chapter room.Then they guided us, using our cocks into theroom.We were told to kneel down, and to hold that butt plug in, because if it came out, they had bigger ones.They then told us that they would help us to lay down.Someone grabbed my tits, and another guy pulled me back so that I began to be let down onto the floor.Then the guy behind me let the guy with my tits, have all of the weight.WOW, my tits really began to hurt.But finally reached the floor, and he let go, with a sly twist that really got my attention.They did the same thing to Chris, and then they told us to get on with the show.I hummed a quick note, and so did Chris, so we were able to find each other.They had placed us face to face, so we had to turn around to get in the 69 position.But we managed.Finally, I got onto Chris' pole, and began to suck it.He was almost completely soft, as I was.It took us some time to get going, but we got into it.It was hard to concentrate on the other guy, as that butt plug was putting so much pressure on us.And too, just when we would get going good, someone would pinch our tits, or push that butt plug in some more.

But finally, nature overcame man, and we both shot a load.Chris came first, and he really shot a hot load.Think that it was the hottest load that I ever got from him.Probably all of the fooling around and taking so long was what got both of us to shoot such a good load.But just after I swallowed his load, mine came shooting out.Couldn't believe the great feeling.Felt like I was going to just blow up. Tingling all over the body, and my nuts felt like they were going to go right out my peter.I must have bucked as much as Chris did.It was one of the most powerful explosions that I'd had in my life.I wanted it to continue forever, but finally I came down, and just collapsed.

I was reminded that there was a contest, and I had lost.So I would have to pay the consequences.(at that time, one of the popular TV programs was Truth or Consequences).They told me that since I was so preoccupied with my ass, and not paying attention to Chris, that they were going to use my ass for the rest of the evening.I was afraid that each guy was going to fuck me, but that is not what they had planned. And to make reparation to Chris for not paying attention to his fine cock, I would be taking care of it for the rest of the time that we were there too.

They asked Chris how he was doing, and he said that all was well, except that he really had to piss.They said that would not be a problem, all he had to do was to stand up, and that would be taken care of.They told him that they had a container for all of his piss, so just stand up.I could hear him getting up. One of the guys said, "Container, get in position to receive his piss."I assumed that they had a jar or something.Well, someone slapped my ass, and told me to do what I was told.I was at a loss.They then pulled my hair, and lead me to where Chris was standing now.They told me to get his cock into my mouth, and get ready to drink his piss.Chris is the only guy that I would do that for.He really did have to piss, must have pissed a whole gallon.Then it seemed that I had to do the same thing.So we traded places.Then when we have both pissed in each other's mouth, they had us stand up, and put our arms around each other, and they wanted us to french kiss.We ran our tongues around each other's mouth and tasted each other's piss.

After the kissing, we were told that we had done a good job, and could return to our house.But first they wanted to thank us, and maybe put a little salve on our sore cocks and ass.We should have known better, but we went along with the deal.Well, the salve turned out to be a hot salve, like Ben Gay, only hotter.They put some on our nuts, and our asses, pressing it inside to make sure that it burned nicely. Then they put some in our hand, and had us put it on the other guy's cock.Wow, it burned for about two hours, but in a strange way it felt really good.

The other time was when one ofthe alums came to me and told me that he needed a good blow job.He put his arm around me, and told me that he'd had his eye on me for some time.He told me that he wanted to go to my room, not just in the living room where we usually did our stuff.When we got to the room, he laid down on the bed, and told me to remove his pants. As I pulled down his pants, his stiff cock sprang out.No under pants at all.But then I knelt down and began to suck his cock.He came almost immediately.And it was a large load.

He rested for a few minutes, and then asked me if, after hell week, I'd like to move out of the house, and into his house.Well, I told him that I'd have to think about that offer.But in my mind, I knew what the answer was going to be.Yes. So a couple of weeks after hell week was over, I moved in with him, and he provided for me, and I provided a willing mouth for him.Once in a while he would invite another professor over, and I would suck both of them.And then I would be expected to fuck him hard while my room mate watched.He was very nice to me, and as long as I sucked his cock, he would do anything for me.

Alas, living with a college professor that was not in my department didn't mean that I would get good grades, and the dean of the college asked if I would leave and try some other form of employment.So off to the Air Force.

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