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Gay College Stories

Sitting Naked

The building was overheated. Old steam pipes chugged along until everyone had their windows and doors open to get air.

Guys clammored to go out anywhere dreading having to return to sleep.

Marc had papers to do and decided to use the nearly abandoned dorm and resulting quiet to work.

He shed his clothes and walked to the bathroom that way not caring if anyone saw him. If they did, he'd just say "it's too fucking hot" and go on his merry way.

His cock hardened and softened as he got used to be naked. His open window and door didn't help much. The heat was nearly unberable.

"You gonna stay in?" Justin, one of his neighbors came in. He was nearly naked himself in his jockstrap.

"Yea gotta get the paper done" Marc replied.

"If you stay like that word will get around and you'll get raped" The guys aid.

Marc looked at him in time to see him scratch his jockstrap pouch.

"Cool" Marc smiled and he meant it. His hard cock, clearly visable, emphasized that.

The paper got done at least the first draft by early hours. Guys had returned from pizza parlors, friends dorms, libraries by then. Some had dropped in to see what Marc was up to, others had peeked in as word got around and others had just walked by.

Marc stood and stretched. Realizing his naked body was visable in the window, he stepped back and stretched, then did a few pushops followed by sit ups. His cramped body felt better.

The hallways had taken on the blue hue of the night lights and added a surreal feeling to him as he walked to the bathroom washing in the blueness.

One of two guys passed by not acknowledging Marc's nudity. And one was nude himself.

He returned to his room and thought it was odd that the lights were off. He reached for the light as he entered but a hand took his wrist firmly away.

Marc was being touched, pawed, gropped and soon pulled to the bed. His cock felt moist lips, his nipples tightened fingers and his ass fingers slid in as well.

He remembered back to Jusint's words "you could be raped" and the sight of the tall smooth skinned guy pulling on his jockstrap.

Marc hoped that one of the guys assulting him was Justin.

The cock pushed into his ass and Marc gasped just in time to swallow another cock. His own cock was being played with and sucked.

And soon, too soon, his cum stained body was left to recover. Slaps on his fucked ass and legs told him the group was leaving him.

His jaws ached, his butt still felt like a cock was inside him, hs nipples still hurt. He wiped the wetness from his body and thn on someones underwear that had been left on the bed.

Marc knocked on Justins door. He answered enentually obviously being woken up. He still wore the jockstrap and nothing else.

"What happened to you?" He asked

Marc smiled "you were right" and he stepped in and knelt to give Justin his thanks.

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