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Gay College Stories

Scoring A Fuck

This is a mostly true story, which took place in the early 90s at a university in northern England. I suppose really I should call it "the first time I took it up the arse".

I was a first-year student, aged 19, trying to find my feet in a new city away from home, and trying at long last to accept the fact I was gay. I had managed to come out to one or two people, though I lied and claimed to be bisexual, in fact I even had a short-lived relationship with a woman in my first year. But really I knew I needed cock and had done for years. I'd had some mutual wanking sessions with a mate in my teens, and sucked on a mate's cock one night when we were paralytically drunk, but that was it. I'd been at college for months and hadn't met anyone. All the gay guys I had met were not my type at all, really camp, or just plain ugly.

A bit about me: I'm about 5 ft 8, fairly skinny build at the time, short floppy dark brown dreadlocks and wearing the indie fashions of the era.

Anyway, I was trying to score some weed. I didn't smoke it that much, but I wanted to impress some of my new friends at college by being able to get hold of some for them. And somehow, I got introduced to Mark. It was through this guy James who ran the college Lesbian & Gay group - he was an uptight, smartly dressed, activist type who just wasn't MY type at all, though he thought he was in with a chance. One day he pointed Mark out as he crossed a lawn on campus. "That's Mark." He said, "He's gay. Not that you'd know it, dressed like that. Stay away from him, he's well into drugs."

My ears pricked up and I watched as Mark strode across the grass. He was tall, beanpole skinny, wearing tight black jeans and a leather jacket. But the most distinctive thing about him was his hair: a bright red mohican, messy rather than gelled spikily. I felt my heart beating and my cock lengthening. Nah, I thought, he wouldn't be into me. But, maybe he could sell me some weed.

I got away from James and rushed after where Mark had walked. I spotted his mohican above the crowd as he walked into one of the cafeterias. I got behind him in the queue. Glancing down, I gazed at his arse tightly gripped by black denim and felt my cock rising again. Soon he was in the front of the queue and I heard him speak for the first time as he ordered a coffee, a slightly aggressive, sarcastic tone, I thought.

The caf� was really full, and I watched as Mark sat down at the only empty table. Fuck, I thought, just go for it. I walked over and asked if the other seat was free. "Sure", he said, seeming disinterested, glancing at the pile of papers he had with him. "Errr, are you Mark?" I asked, feeling a bit stupid. "Yeah, am I that famous?" he replied. "Yeah, well, errr, don't take this the wrong way, but someone said you might be able to help me score some weed".

I thought he might be seriously offended but instead he grinned. "I might", he said, "once I've sussed you out". He slurped some coffee and glanced at his watch. "Shit. Look, I have to go, tell you what, come round to mine tonight about seven. 156 Snowdon Court, you know, next to the precinct". With that he left, grinning. Well, result, I thought, though I wasn't too much looking forward to visiting Snowdon Court. A council tower block, it wasn't in the nicest neighbourhood and I looked way too studenty to fit in.

Seven o'clock came, and I was walking through the pale green corridors of the 15th floor of the block. It smelt musty, I felt watched by CCTV cameras and suddenly vulnerable. With trepidation I knocked on the door. An unfamiliar face answered - dark floppy hair, my sort of age. "Oh, are you here for Mark?". I followed him into the flat, down a long corridor painted black and into the living room.

It was like nothing I'd ever seen, There was no furniture, just mattresses on the floor and a TV in the corner. The walls were splattered with all different colours of paint and psychedlic patterned sheets hung from the ceiling. Ashtrays everywhere overflowed with roaches and a thick fug of smoke hung in the air. Techno played on a gleaming stereo that fitted incongruously in the room. Mark was sat on a mattress, and another guy was there, Rick, who I gathered also lived in the flat. I sat down next to Mark, who was in the middle of skinning up a joint. We chatted about music, the university, where I was from.

Mark handed me the spliff, and I took a drag. Was it my imagination, or did his fingers linger over mine as he passed it over? We carried on watching the TV and Rick and Andy started talking about some rave that was on at the weekend. Soon the spliff came round again, and Mark fixed me with piercing eyes as he passed it to me, and yes, that was definitely a longer than normal touch of my fingers as he passed it. My cock started to swell, and I cursed myself for wearing these tight combats without any underwear. Mark shifted slightly and rested his leg against mine. Rick and Andy seemed oblivious to what was going on but were now talking about getting chocolate. After some argument about who should go, they both agreed to do the walk to the off licence still open on the precinct.

As the door slammed behind Rick and Andy I felt my heart beat faster. Was something really going to happen? Mark fixed me with his piercing eyes again and smiled. I smiled back nervously, wondering what I should do. Had I made it obvious enough I was interested? Mark cut to the chase.

"Give us a snog then" he grinned, leaning over and pressing his mouth against mine. I opened my mouth, let his tongue snake inside. He tasted of garlic, and nicotine. I put my arms round his leather jacket and kissed back, feeling his stubble on my chin. He had his hand on the back of my neck, forcefully pulling me into him.

We both fell back onto the mattress we were sitting on and Mark rolled on top of me. I could feel his hard cock pressing at my groin, and I felt stiffer than ever in my life. He carried on snogging me, grinding his pelvis into mine. "You are one sexy cunt" he said, "God, I am so gonna enjoy this". He pushed his hands up my t-shirt and found my nipples, tweaking each one before yanking the t- shirt over my head. He lost the leather jacket and put his weight back on top of me, diving in again with his tongue.

I felt so nervous, I had barely responded, I was just lying there. Tentatively I put my hands under his t- shirt, feeling a hairy abdomen and chest. I wanted to feel his skin on mine, and I pulled up his t-shirt and over his head. Wow, did he have a horny body. Slim, defined and hairy. One nipple was pierced, and there was a sweaty, slightly unwashed smell about him. His armpits were a thatch of damp hair. "Come on, he said, get licking my chest". I did as I was told, and sucked on each nipple, then I just couldn't resist diving into his pits, savouring the smell and taste. "Fuck, that is horny", he cried, forcing my face closer to his armpits. My cock was so hard now I thought I might explode in my pants.

Mark lifted himself off me and smiled. "Get your cock out then" he demanded, unzipping his fly. I hurriedly unbuttoned and pulled down my combats, my cock springing out. I'm not hugely well endowed, about six and a half inches, but my dick is nice and fat. I looked up as Mark kicked off his boots and pulled down his jeans. He was now just wearing a scruffy pair of boxers, his cock clearly visible against the material. He pulled them down, dropping to his knees so his cock proudly stood over my body. Instinct kicked in and I grabbed for it. At least eight inches, thicker than mine, it just pulsed in my hand. His foreskin wasn't fully back, and I gently pulled it back and forward over his bulbous angry red cockhead. "Ahhh, yeah, that's it, ah that's good", Mark murmured as I gently wanked him. His hand went for my cock too, and I felt a physical shock go through me as his gripped my penis hard.

Soon we were back how we were before, snogging, Mark thrusting his groin into me, but now I could feel his cock slide against mine, as bits of precum oozed out of his cock and coated my stomach. Then, with a quick jump, his balls were over my face, his cock almost hitting me in the eye. The smell of cock - sweat, piss, spunk, was overwhelming.

"Suck me" he said, fixing me with his piercing eyes. Gladly, I opened my mouth and licked his cockheaad. I pearl of pre-cum oozed out and I lapped it up. I opened wider, and took in as much as I could "Oh yeah", he moaned, "suck on my cock". I did my best, and he began to thrust in and out of my mouth. In too far once or twice, I gagged, tried desperately not to puke. I played with his balls, pulled his foreskin right back and licked all round the head, took it in again as deep as I could, savouring the whole experience. I wanted this to be good for him.

"Your turn" he said, moving backwards and pushing his face down to my groin. My cock was stiff to bursting, but the head not fully exposed (I have quite a long foreskin). He pulled it back sniffing around my cock. "Oh I love the smell of dick" he said. Then he took the entire length right down his throat. He was good at this. I writhed on the mattress as he slurped on my cock. This was going to be good, I thought, I'm gonna get to shoot my cum down his throat. But Mark had other ideas.

Mark sucked hard on my cock and with a 'plop' sound it dropped out of his mouth. His eyes glinted wickedly as he nuzzled his nose over my balls, then into the skin underneath them. Suddenly he was pushing my legs up, and I felt my cheeks part and saw him staring straight at my arsehole. "Mmmm" he said, diving straight in with his tongue. He licked up and down my crack, staring at my face to see my reaction. I started to blush. I just found the whole arse thing really embarrassing. But then he really pushed in with his tongue, and it just felt so fucking amazing, I just squirmed with pleasure. He pulled my cheeks wide and really pushed his face in, his tongue darting into my hole like a lizard. I really started to groan, this was such pleasure and for a moment I forgot my embarrassment.

But then, Mark changed tack and pushed at my hole with his finger. I was relaxed, and it slipped straight inside. I panicked, and clenched my hole, again really blushing with embarrassment. You see, I had just never come to terms with the idea of anal sex. The first time I heard about it I was so disgusted I was almost sick. How could I do that, put my cock up a man's arse, where he shits from? And as for having it done to me, no way, I mean NO WAY. I resolved to only be gay up to the point of sucking cock and no further. But as the years went by my mind had other ideas. I began to fantasise about what it would be like, and one night at about the age of 15 with trepidation took the Vaseline from my mum's bathroom and smeared it on myself and entered with a finger. It just seemed vaguely uncomfortable as I moved it in and out. But I persevered, and when I came I shot a stream of spunk about six feet and had the best orgasm of my life to date. Then felt deeply ashamed of what I had done. But a pattern was set, and soon I was experimenting with courgettes, screwdriver handles, in fact anything vaguely cock shaped. But still I was in denial about doing it for real.

Mark moved his finger in and out, and I tried not to look him in the eyes. "Hey, just relax man" he said "Enjoy it". I glanced at him and he was smiling at me really sexily. "I'll stop if you don't enjoy it". I almost did ask him to stop but I wanted to please him. "It's ok" I said 2I'm just a bit new to this". "I gathered", he said, pushing my prostate. "Ohhhh", I just squirmed around again, my cock bobbing up and down. I allowed my sphincter to relax, and began to enjoy the feeling. "Here, have a bit of this spliff, sometimes it helps" said Mark, passing me a half-smoked joint. I leaned over and lit it as Mark continued to work my arse, taking in deep drags. Soon I began to feel the fluttering hit of dope in my brain, and really started to get into what Mark was doing. I barely noticed as he slipped in another finger. "Ohhh, you're tight man, he said as the third stretched my arse further. I lay back and closed my eyes and let the feeling of those fingers inside me flow around my body.

"Fancy a fuck then?". My eyes shot open. Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen tonight. I haven't took it up the arse. I don't take it up the arse. And not on the first time I've met someone. And it felt like a big step there was no going back from. But that feeling. and maybe I knew I was going to do this one day and perhaps I should just get it over with. My mind wrestled with it for what seemed like minutes but was probably ten seconds, and timidly, I said, "OK, if you want".

He grinned. "Oh this is going to be good. You have such a tight arse. Might take a bit of time though getting this thing in" he said, looking down at his cock. It seemed to have swelled and was thicker than ever. "Get on your knees then".

I rolled over and assumed the position. Suddenly, on my knees, bent over, I regretted what I had agreed to. This felt so humiliating. But I'd agreed now. Blushing crimson, I stared ahead and waited for the inevitable. Behind me, I heard a spurting sound of something being squeezed, and then the cold, cold feeling of KY dribbled between my cheeks, Mark, behind me, pulled my buttocks open wide. "Fuck me I wish I could get a picture of that" he said, smearing the lube around my anus. A finger slipped inside, and another, twisting round, spreading the cold lube up and down my rectum. My cock had shrivelled and I really didn't feel horny now.

He took his fingers out and shifted behind me, pushing my legs further apart. I felt his cockhead jab into my buttocks, then he guided it lower and I felt it against my hole. He pushed. It seemed ridiculous, there was no way it was going in. It just pressed against my hole and I involuntarily tightened and it went nowhere. But then he pushed again, harder, and I felt a sharp stabbing pain and cried out in agony. "Oops" he said, "I'll take it a bit slower." He pushed again, a bit more delicately. I felt so stupid for agreeing to this. A couple of minutes went by as he tried to push in and either his cock slipped on the lube away from my hole or just hurt me so much I had to get him to stop. He was getting frustrated. "Look, we'll stop, I guess I don't have to fuck. We can just finish off with a quick wank and I'll get that bit of weed for you."

I felt him slipping away from me, and felt this turning into a failed one-night stand. "No!" I said quickly, "Just one more go". I felt the iron-in-velvet touch of his thick cock at my hole again. This time, I thought of all those times I'd manoevered a slightly thicker than normal courgette inside, and pushed out like I was taking a shit for all I was worth.. And suddenly, my sphincter stretched, and he was in. "That's it!" I said excitedly. "I know", he said, "Ohhh, I know". He pushed further, and within seconds I knew he was in balls deep. I'd done it. I was being fucked up the arse.

He held still for a few seconds, then began to move his cock gently. To be honest, it felt pretty uncomfortable. And having him push my face right down into the mattress didn't make me feel any better. My cock was still floppy but I knew if I was going to enjoy this I needed to get it stiff. I reached for my cock and gave it a few tugs. It grew slightly, but my mixture of embarrassment and uncomfortableness was killing my horniness. Mark was speeding up now and I wondered how I would endure this.

"This is the best arse I've ever fucked" announced Mark, "just the tightest bucket for my spunk". I blushed again, but this seedy sentence just did something to my cock which sprang to attention. I began to wank myself as Mark shoved his dick in and out of my arse, gripping my body like a vice. Then his rhythm changed, and he seemed to be moving his cock from side to side, really stretching me and touching places I didn't know existed. "Oh fuck yeah" he growled, pulling me up so he could snog me while slipping his penis into my bum.

This felt so much better than a courgette, or the cold plastic handle of a screwdriver. His cock was so warm inside me, I felt as though I could feel every lump and bump with the insides of my arse, it felt like we were fused together. "Sorry mate, but I am really not gonna last too long" said Mark, pushing me down into the mattress again. He pulled out almost to the tip thrust in so hard I gasped for breath. "take it, yeah take it" he moaned, an obscene slapping sound filling the room as his thighs banged my lube covered buttocks. In a split second my arse was full to bursting, then empty, full, then empty. I really didn't know if this was torture or ecstasy but I didn't want it to stop. Then, shit!The door opened.

It was Andy and Rick, both with plastic carrier bags full of shopping. Open-mouthed with shock. "Oh Jesus Mark you are one dirty fucker" said Andy, grinning. I just wanted to die. I wanted to pull something over my nakedness but Mark held me tight, his cock still buried deep inside me, me bent over, my stiff cock betraying the fact that not only was I taking it up the arse, I was enjoying it. "Look hurry up, we'll wait in my bedroom". They left, the door banged shut. "You'd better not get any shit over that mattress" yelled Rick from behind the door.

I almost wanted to start sobbing, I couldn't believe what had just happened. But Mark wasn't phased, in fact his cock felt thicker now than before. "Get up" he said, pushing me up off the mattress with his cock. I stood up, still with his nob flexing inside me, and his manoevered me over to the door. "I wanna do it standing up". His cock squelched inside me as he fucked me up against the door. I could hear Rick just the other side whispering. "Jesus, they're still doing it. He has no shame. How the fuck did he know that guy would bend for him anyway? I mean we'd only been gone twenty minutes". Mark began to fuck so hard he lifted me off the ground with his dick. My cock throbbed so hard it hurt. I needed to shoot. I really needed to shoot.

I think Mark sensed my need, and gently he moved us back to the mattress. I settled back into the bent over position, which now seemed so natural. "I'm gonna cum soon" he warned. "Me too" I said, squeezing my cock, scared that if I tugged on it I'd cum immediately. With that, Mark slammed his cock into me, smacking my buttocks hard. "Get ready" he said, pistoning in and out with force. "Yes, ah, yes, ahh, fucking take it man". Faster and faster he went, my arse felt so on fire and gripped tightly onto his cock. I knew he was cumming and suddenly I felt his cock flex inside me and he thrust so hard I lost balance, falling onto the mattress with him on top. As my cock hit the mattress I was overcome with orgasm. "Oh Jesus" I moaned, "oh fill me". I was shocked to hear this come out of my mouth, but was in sheer ecstasy as long ropey streams of cum shot out of my dick and smeared the mattress.

Mark had just collapsed onto me. We both panted, getting our breath back. Then he lifted up, pulled out. My arse felt empty, raw and sticky. I reached back and felt the spunk oozing out. Mark's cock swung next to my face, a slight brown smear down one side. I suddenly felt disgusted with myself again. But another part of me was happy.

We pulled our clothes on quickly and Mark used an old tea towel to clean up the spunk. He tossed it into the corner, dirty bastard.

I escaped the flat before I had to speak to Andy and Rick. But I'd got the weed. and a bit more than I bargained for.

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