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Gay College Stories

Penis Talk

Let's talk about your penis for a minute. Mine's hard, just thinking about it. Your penis been giving you joy and frustration and embarrassment since at least seventh grade. Now in college, it is your dearest friend. It knows what it wants. It is not the wild stallion you read over and over about in the two or three gay porn novels you've been able to steal from the one gay book store. It's more humble than that. It is a season of happiness and it's always New Year's when it pops. And the champagne is rather wonderful, isn't it? Coming warm and white and thick just from you?

You've loved him the entire freshman semester, haven't you? He looks younger than you and he is pure treasure. For the first time in your life, you know what the phrase I would lay down my life for him means. And he has a girlfriend and she is pretty. And he is straight and it's the beginning of one sided love, isn't it? But right now, it doesn't matter. You're in your dorm room alone. You're naked on your bed. Doors locked. Roommate away for the weekend. It's Friday night. You're a little tipsy from the Apple County wine. Cherry flavored.

You are holding your penis. Go on. Hold it. Take it out of your jeans or briefs now. Get totally naked like your counterpart here. You love the way it feels. You love the idea of touching yourself all over. Your roommate talked you into watching a porn film last week. Lesbian. The women were pretty, some of them. And it was kind of interesting to see close ups of some cunts and spread legs and ass holes and piss holes. And that turned you on. Because the boy/man you love was in the room with the four of five guys with you. Watching.

You know they were all hard. Even you. You know he was hard. You put your arms now around your chest. You hug yourself. Say the dearest name in all the world. You grind your hips into your bed. You imagine him on you. And feeling your hard on. Odd phrase, but it says it somehow, doesn't it? And you are not alone. Your whole body feels warm in the warm air with the winter in abeyance outside.

You've always loved your penis. Look down at it now. Take a moment. Massage it. Do it like you always do it when you want to have the biggest cummy of all. Stroke it and feel it warm and spongy. Look at the veins in it and check out the head of it, the helmet of it. Stroke your balls till they get tight and hot. I've got all the time in the world. I'll wait for you. I want this to be for you. I want you to be happy. Rub your fingers on your chest. : Play with your nipples. Lean back and wet your lips with the tip of your tongue.

I want you to be naked with me. Yep. I'm naked now too. And stroking my hard on. Which I bet is nothing compared to yours. Lean over the computer and feel yourself leaning over. Close your eyes and imagine you leaning over to kiss him and he raising up to kiss you. And you both start giggling like the girls in the porno movie. But not empty headed like they were. But in fun. And tangled in each other's sexuality. It's good being him. I'll be him. For you. Just for you.

Whatever he looks like, that's me. I've come into your heart and I tell you this: I love you. Say it to me. Say you love me too. And take some time now. Get that tingly feeling in your dick. Like I'm between your legs now. On your bed. Your legs on my shoulders. And I'm putting your cock in my mouth and it's delicious. Its so nice and hard/tender that it makes my penis shoot up even taller, like it's doing right now.

We might have some sex toys, if you want. We might enact some of those scenes in the novels you stole, if you want. We can be naked all weekend. I can stroke your butt and part you and hold you and feel the good green warmth of you. I want you, man. I want your dick in my mouth right now. I've got it in my hot mouth right this second. I'm going up and down on you. Your hands are on the back of my head pushing up and down. You are sighing. Take time now. Move away from the comp. Imagine, or remember or keep in mind for tomorrow. I want to be between your legs. I want to play with your balls. I want to suck you and suck you like you are a piston and I am a great gulf sucking all the love out of you in order to put all the love into me.

And then you can do the same if you want.

Don't worry about cumming. Don't worry about having a Kleenex handy. No need. You are in me, in the cave of my mouth, as you reach to my penis and rub me and jack me and I sigh and moan at the same time you sigh and moan. I love you, baby. I love you from the first time I saw you walking across campus. I thought, god, what am I doing with a girl, when I could have you. And he's doing it too, now. In his room. Alone. Remembering the porn film of the women, which gives his conscience license in a hurdy gurdy roundabout way to think of stroking your manhood while watching the film. Helping you out sort of. Friend like.

I look up at you.You look at me for a long moment. It turns you so on that I have your cock in my mouth and I'm mouth fucking you.That you see my hard on bouncing up and down I am mouth fucking you so hard and fast. And my ass bucking. I'm eating you alive, my love. Nothing in the world has ever tasted or felt this good. Licking a tip out at your balls now and then. And your pubic hair. As my hands rub over your pert taut nipples. Tickle them. And your navel. Say my name. Shout it. At least inside if you can't shout it out. We are boys. We are naked. We are making out. We can't have enough sex ever with each other. We have to have more and more.

Then. Your back is bent like a bow. Ready to fire off the arrow. I see your eyes closed and your mouth open and wet and sighing. I see your hands bunched into fists as you clutch the bed spread. I feel your legs against my ears, hard and hot and just perfect. Man, I want you forever. Man, I never want us to be anything but naked. God, your dick is throbbing. It's big and hot and it just is on the verge of cumming. Print this out and take it to bed with you tonight and use it to jack off? Please? I'm humiliating myself like this for you. So you will see how much I care. Who else would humiliate themselves for you like this? Who else would put their--head--in a guillotine like that for you? What do you think love is, then?

And you are pushing my head up and down and you cum and it's wonderful and it's liquid you, liquid soul, manna from love, heart from dream, and in your heart is in your cum and your love that you're pouring into me. Pour it in more. Your heart is not in your throat any longer. It's in mine. Jack off in my mouth. I'm the true love. I'm the magic. I'm the one who won't turn you away. Or desert you. Or betray you and act as though he has never heard of you.

I'm the single most important person in the world who will worship you till the day I die.I am the one who lives and dies on your worshipping me. No one is more important. No one.

You were great. You were splendid. God. I hold you and we are wet together. And we say I love you. Together. And we mean it. We really honest to Christ mean it.

It's hot in this room, isn't it? Let's do me now. And then we can dress and go out in the snow and the cold and have a snowball fight and run and be happy and hold hands and we will be holding hands with each other. The rest of our eternal boyhood night. Hold me tightly. Now. For good luck. And then we'll continue falling in love.

It only gets better.

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